Fair Weather Fighters
Fair Weather Fighters is an entry for the GMTK 2020 Game Jam. The theme is "Out of Control".
Fair Weather Fighters is a text based, real-time RPG-style combat game. In keeping in theme with the jam, I've taken away the players ability to control the actions of their party. However to spice things up, I wanted to also give the player control over something that is typically "Out of Control" for the player. I decided to go with the weather.
In most games as well as in real life, weather is a phenomenon that is almost completely out of our control. In Fair Weather Fighters, you're goal is to master control of 4 different weather effects in order to help lead your party to victory. The game consists of the follow effects:
- Sunlight
- Rain
- Nighttime
- Wind
In each game level, you will have access to 1 or more of these weather effects. Different effects can help and hinder both your party, as well as the enemies. Weather that might bolster your Wizard could be a hindrance to your Knight, or weather that assists your Assassin could do the same for the enemy. It's up to you to figure out how these effects work, and how best to utilize them! The game play itself is quite simple, but very hectic at higher levels!
Thank you for taking the time to play my entry! This was my first time doing a game jam, and I had a lot of fun with it! I'm excited to see what people think of my creation. See you all next time!
How to Play:
- At the top of the screen you will see 1 to 4 icons, representing the different weather effects you have access to.
- These icons can be clicked on to activate said weather effect. Only one effect can be active at a time. Weather effects will end when a new one is selected.
- Throughout the fight, the combatants will automatically target foes and use attacks on them. The power of these attacks are modified by different weather effects.
- The goal of the game is to figure out how each type of attack is affected by the weather, and cycle through the different weather patterns to give your party an edge.
- You win when all the enemies are defeated. You lose if everyone in your party is defeated.
- A combat log on the left hand side of the screen keeps track of what happened in combat. This can be used to review fights, and make better decisions going forward. The wording is also designed to help understand how combatants are affected by the weather.
- You can hit the escape key to pause the game to catch your breath and plan moves.