Fall Of Humanity[WIP]
Step into the life of Kellen Betcher, 'the last human with an exosuit designed by EPS'. Repair your exosuit and prevent the meteor impact to save humankind.
Fall Of Humanity is a work in progress game. It's planned to be an adventure game like Crysis. You can sprint, double jump, jetpack, shield etc. with your exosuit. Story is still work in progress, but you can test out the main features. It can be played in VR mode on android. It's still really laggy, but it will be optimized in the future.
ActionKeyboardGamepadSprint (HOLD)ShiftRight TriggerMoveWASDLeft JoystickDashCTRLPress Left JoystickJumpSpaceSouth ButtonShieldQNorth ButtonShootLeft ClickWest ButtonSlow TimeEEast ButtonIf you enjoy the game, please consider donating and commenting. It will help a lot! THANK YOU :D!