Fast! Food!
Fast Food is a level-modification Jump'n'Race.
Up to 4 player race as fast vegetables on a track that is constantly being modified by everybody. To win you must place the most devious traps or just be the fastest food around!
This game requieres two to four gamepads an doesn't feature an online mode (yet). Alternatifely for online play, we recommend the peer-to-peer streaming service Parsec
DevelopmentThis game prototype was created during two months as a bachelor's project in Game Design at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and was inspired by games like Mario Kart and Ultimate Chicken Horse.
Jan Schneider (Web, Twitter)
Concept, Code, Controller, Modelling, SFX, Animation, Game Design
Pierre Lippuner (Web, Instagram)
Concept, Code, Level Modification System, Character Design, Animation, VFX, Game Design
Cédric Schlegel: Music