Fedora Sorcerer (Le4d)
So in this game you're playing as a sorcerer with a fedora on.
It's pixel art, and there are some post processing effects that gives it a special look. The map is a 11*11 grid, where you only are able to move in four direction, and you move with a firm distance. You shoot fireballs to kill the obelings (enemys), and then it's just about murdering as many obelings as possible.
Controls:WASD: to move.
Arrowkeys: to shoot.
ESC: to pause and unpause.
ESC, Space, Enter, Numberpad-Enter and r: shortcuts to try again, after you died.
The short lore:You are this character named Quibers. One Day you see an obelisc and some Obelings apear from the obelic. So you deside that you want to get rid of them by using your firemagic.
System requirements for PC
System requirements for macOS
System requirements for Linux
Last Modified: Nov 22, 2019
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