Feeding Frenzy 2 Deluxe reviews

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Friss little Fish while you try not to be eaten, grow and froze a small bit bigger fish while you try not to be eaten by big Fish, get a bit bigger and dominire the sea and show the stupid Tuned who is the true God of the Seas-until a Deep-born Shark appears and swallows you down in the Piece ... So much for that. The whole Game is just about Fishing. Fish, Fish, Fish, fish-Eating, Eating, eating, Eating. What seems rather monotonous at first Glance is also boring at second glance, but it's a Nice Waste Of time if you don't Feel like making a point of Playing in some Way-and also otherwise stand on to repititive Procedures. There is a very superficial Story, which has to hold on as a reason for the Journey and all Pair of levels a new ' Main Protagonist ' fish, which mamps through Hordes of aquatically living Vertebrates that change from time to time. The whole thing is Peppered with bonus levels that appear from time to time, which simply cannot fulfill their Purpose of dislodging monotoneness. Nevertheless, the Idea is quite sweet, the different Places nicely represented and deposited with a suitable Music. The Powerups are interestingly distributed and if you have nothing to do for 10 Minutes (and has the Game as if it were from the Humblebundle), you can quietly go a Lap on the Hunt for other Gill Bearers. But just one Lap. 4/10 would play again.
Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
---{Graphics}---☐ Masterpiece ☐ Beautiful ☐ Good ☐ Decent ☑ Bad ☐ Horrible ☐ Paint. exe---{Gameplay}---☐ You're going to take waaaaay hours ☐ Care with the addiction ☐ Very good ☑ Good ☐ Nothing Special ☐ Meh ☐ Malo ☐ Solo... Don't do it---{Audio}---☐ 0rgasmo auditory ☐ Very good ☐ Good ☐ Decent ☑ Not so bad ☐ Bad ☐ Ear Rape---{Audience}---(If you like don't listen to the audience, it is a recommendation) ☑ Children ☐ Teenagers ☐ Adults ☐ All---{PC Requirements}---☑ If e Nciende is already worth ☐ Potato ☐ Minimum ☐ Decent ☐ Fast ☐ Rich Child ☐ Ask NASA If they have a surplus PC---{Difficulty}---☐ Solo press some buttons ☐ Easy ☑ Not so difficult ☐ Easy to learn/Difficult to master ☐ Not so easy ☐ Difficult ☐ Dark Souls---{Grind }---☐ Nada ☐ Only If you care about leaderboards/ranks ☐ It is Not necessary to progress. ☑ A little grind sometimes ☐ average Level of grind ☐ Too Grind ☐ Madness---{History}---☐ has ☑ Something is something I guess ☐ Average ☐ Good ☐ Lovely ☐ will make You cry or smile a lot---{game Time}---☐ Too long for a cup of tea ☑ Short ☐ Prom Edio ☐ Long ☐ Depends On the player ☐ Infinity---{individual Mode}---☑ Yes ☐ No---{online Mode}---☐ Yes ☑ No---{Price}---☐ Just buy it ☐ Worth ☑ Wait for the offer ☐ If you are excited, yes ☐ Not recommended ☐ Don't throw money at the trash ☐ Free to Play---{Bugs}---☑ Never had any (In my experience) ☐ Bugs minor ☐ Several bugs ☐ Can become annoying a good feeding juice, quite recommended if you like that type of games.