Fighter Hero 4 2
They saved kittens, helped old people across the street and fought kaijuus blocking the rush hour traffic - but will this help the now-moderately-new hero team Fighter Hero 4 stop the earth from getting eaten? It's their biggest adventure yet, out of the whole two of them! FIGHTER HERO 4! TWO! FIGHT OUT!
... TWO!
Note: This is a Dolmexica Infinite mod, which in turn is a Mugen interpreter for Windows/Web/Dreamcast.
Controls for Windows/Web:
- Movement - Arrow keys
- Weak punch - Q
- Medium punch - W
- Strong punch - E
- Weak kick - A
- Medium kick - S
- Strong kick - D
- Start - Enter
- Advance text during cutscenes - A
- Movement during cutscenes - Arrow keys
- Full screen: CTRL + Enter for Windows / Button for Web
- Return to title screen / Exit the game from title screen - Escape
Controls for Dreamcast:
- Movement - D Pad or Analog stick
- Weak punch - X
- Medium punch - Y
- Strong punch - L
- Weak kick - A
- Medium kick - B
- Strong kick - R
- Start - Start
- Advance text during cutscenes - A
- Movement during cutscenes - D Pad or Analog stick
- Return to title screen / Exit the game from title screen - A+B+X+Y+Start (Standard Dreamcast combo)
Additional notes:
- KFM character and stage made by Elecbyte:
- Character and stage sources: The Leader, Silent Rival, Tank, Doc, Iron Man, The Hulk(?), Hairy man, Galactus, The Landlord, Captain America, Dark Felicia
- Stages: Fighter Hero 4 building, Destroyed city, Burning city, The Moon, Park stage, Crossing stage, Burning city 2, New York stage, Fighter Hero 4 Antarctica base
- This is an in-development Mugen interpreter for Dreamcast, so all glitches, false behaviours and other uncanny stuff happening with the characters/stages are not the original creators' fault, but rather reflect this developmental status.
- The more technical Mugen-on-Dreamcast stuff should go in this thread if possible:
- The Dreamcast version does currently not support 50Hz mode, so please make sure your TV can display 60Hz (or use a VGA cable).
- Source code is on github:
Thanks for playing!
System requirements for PC
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Jan 6, 2020
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