This DLC focuses on the character arc of Gladiolus, as he puts himself through an ancient trial to prove to himself that he's worthy of being Noctis's Shield, his sworn protector. It takes place around halfway through the game when he momentarily leaves your party.

I beat this DLC in around an hour and a half, and it's pretty fun. In that short time it adds a lot to Gladiolus and his arc, how he's sworn to his duty to protect his best friend and future king. You get some nice dialogue between him and Cor, a side character in the base game, and a really fun combat system that's similar enough to the main game, but different enough to pose a challenge to you. The music in this game is great, almost reminiscent to the DOOM remake from 2016. Graphics are pretty similar, but I noticed a slight improvement, it did come out a year after the main game. 

It's a DLC worth playing, especially if you care about these characters. 

Rating: 7/10

Played on PS4
The highlight of this DLC is the lore within it, the combat is as good as the base game but nothing that different, sure Gladiolus uses a great sword as a normal sword so its a different wielding than Noctis's but you will adapt easily to this one.

The campaign will take you more or less 1 hour and a half, it's easy, save the last boss fight which has a better challenge and is kind of a cool fight, merge that with a nice backstory for Cor and Gladio and you'll have an OK game.

I liked my time within this episode but it felt short and a little underwhelming, my favorite aspect so far was at the save points, where you can ask some questions to Cor about the past, those interactions were pretty great, if you care for the lore of FFXV that is, if not, you can stay away of this DLC.