Final Shonen Battle Fight
Final Shonen Battle Fight is a 1v1 duel to the death, where one hit can be your last.
Dear internet person,
I started this game as an outlet for creative energy. We all needed something over covid, and this was mine. It is made with love and a desire to see my friends in person again, to sit on the couch, and play together.
It's not perfect (yet), but I hope it brings you some amount of joy, even for a few minutes. I'm releasing it much earlier than anticipated, but hurricanes have a way of changing even the best-laid plans. Please consider donating to Hurricane Ida relief, or any New Orleans mutual aid fund.
With Love,
PS: Sign up for email newsletters. They're super infrequent but will notify you of new builds and upcoming projects!
// Controls
2 controllers required - Any button to join
Left Thumbstick - Move / Pause Dash
Right Trigger / A - Attack
Left Trigger / B - Defend
Alt + F4 - Quit
// Known Bugs
- Pressing attack and defend (regardless of order) in rapid succession will cause one to stop working.
- Two player collision while not attacking or defending deflects both players in the same direction.
- There's probably some controller edge cases (disconnecting and reconnecting, but is largely untested)
Found a new bug? Comment below!