Final Unintended Fantasy (Team22)

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Final Unintended Fantasy

by LawvaDuke (McGame Game jam Team22)

*The game is not 100% completed*

Note: Please use the Windows version since the html is likely to cause a UI problem

Concept :

This is a classic JRPG game with a twist: 

Every time you defeat an enemy, you have the choice to recruit him in your party, but the only things you know about him is what you learned while you were fighting. Maybe he will boost your party attack speed or the magic power of your mages. But maybe he will bring a curse to your team, slowing them down, reducing their HP, their defenses or poison them over time.

As you progress, you will encounter towns, dungeons and castles. Again, the unintended mechanic is at play here. For example: 

If your party is composed of Orcs and you visit an elven village, the villagers won't be happy and will attack you if you try to enter. On the other hand, if your party is mostly composed of friendly factions , they will let you enter and help you (heal at inns, exchange party member at the tavern)

The game is not completed. To attack a target, you select an enemy, then click on any unit in your party that is ready to attack.

Note: Please use the Windows version since the html is likely to cause a UI problem

Tool used:

Game engine: Unity

Music : FL Studio (free edition)


Textures : 

I created all the assets except the font that was created by Kenney and free/open source.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

Final Unintended Fantasy (Team22) screenshot, image №2673950 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Jan 18, 2021

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