Find someone else reviews

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Find Someone Else-an infernal gloomy, visual novella, about the painful relationship, human vices, life and death. Plot and language. The Language is English, simple enough to be in basic possession, understand the basic meaning of the text. Novella tells us the story of a guy named Noah, whose life is meaningless and gloomy, and the only thing he can live now, is the thoughts of his terminally ill girl. The Girl who wished herself the only gift for her birthday-to Noah found another, with which he could be happy. And here our hero is lost feeling guilt, shame and aversion to himself, trying to understand what to do, and how to live on. To Say that the novel is gloomy, it is a slight understatement of reality. However, the plot is quite well spelled out. Gameplay. In The novel There are several runes with different girls, each of which with its own characteristics-one diabetic, the second on the Pill, the third booze, and this is not counting the basic love of Noah. Ruth Girl is determined by the color of her name, and glasses allowing to make key decisions (also on the colors differ), we show our inner demon, in the election during the dialogue with him, at the end of the day. At the same demon will tell us about our vices, because of which we are spiritually close to this girl. What to be-disturbing paranoid, afraid to lose control of the situation? A Depressed, gloomy, fearful guy who fears death? Or a lustful, aggressive dish that's afraid it's all going to be thrown? You Decide. But the choice as you see it yet. Graphics and sounds. Zadniki-closed, processed photos. The Characters are not so much in the anime style as in such a rough Scandinavian manner, that given the general gloom of the text, the novel only in the plus. The Music is pressing, and quite disturbing. As a result. The case when a standard story about a relationship is shown from an unusual and rather gloomy angle. Besides, there is no happy ending here, because any ending, for any root, is Game Over, which we specify in the Novelle. Besides, it's the kind of novel that makes you feel even bigger than you are in real life. I can Recommend to fans of gloomy novels, on themes of life and death, and human lacks. Morilfagam, and lovers of Njashnosti, to pass this novel is clearly not worth it. However, for its niche, it is very memorable. 8 Metal concerts from 10 P. S: If this review was useful for You put like, and also add friends and subscribe to me as a curator-Reviews online