Fire, ice, water, towel
Wins 10 in this game. When we press the Start button with the mouse pointer, the game starts. You can press the Quit button with the mouse pointer to end the game at any time. Each of the 2 players presses the buttons simultaneously and bi-one. Buttons for the player on the right: Top - towel, Bottom - water, Right - ice, Left - fire. Buttons for the player on the left: W-towel, S- water, A- fire, D- ice. In this game, Ice-Water, Fire-Ice and Towel, Water-Fire, Towel-Water and Ice win. During the game, when one player wins another player's instrument, that instrument is added to the winning player. When a player's number of instruments drops to zero, he cannot use that instrument until the next player wins that instrument. This game allows players to win strategically, even if the number of tools is zero.