First Dare
Today is the day you are finally facing the first ever dare.
You were excited at first. You were only supposed to spend 5 minutes inside, but as soon as you entered the doors shut and locked themselves.
Now you must face what lies within and appease them or you might never get out!
The Garden room puzzle has a glitch in the build version that may not start the puzzle.
Though we can't edit the game during voting, we will be working on a bug fix for this.
If it does start for you, the key to the plant room puzzle is there are several empty tables that will hold 3 fallen items.
Each table needs 3 different items to be counted as sorted.
Sean Metzer (SilverFang) - Lead Designer
Joaquin Ramirez (JRamirez04) - Lead Programmer
Laurice Thomas (LoriTom) - Programmer
J. Yared (CurseTheName) - Artist
Wolfgang K. (Arvatrix) - Composer and Sound Artist