Side Scrolling beat-em up using physics/momentum made for the Weekly Game Jam 142 with the theme 'Mischief'
Move: joystick/w-a-s-d
Dash: double press move either left or right
Jab: SPACE/(x)
Hook: hold e + press SPACE/hold R2 + press (x)
Block: left-ctrl/L1 or R1
Menu: ESC
Notes for current jam version:
Red bar is health, green is stamina and the smaller bar under stamina is your momentum. You can keep an eye on that to see how much potential dmg you'll do when you punch (changes as you move and momentum changes).
Going below 33% stamina you can't block and dif low enough you can't attack. Jab has less stamina requirements than hooks but deal less dmg.
Dmg is based on your movement vs the opponents (you moving into your punch is better than standing still, even better is if the enemy moves into it as well), the amount of you have vs the stamina the enemy has (you having more vs enemy having less is best), and the base dmg of the punch.
Bad punch example: Stepping backwards, with little stamina and punch opponent = low dmg
Good punch example: Dashing forward just before punching either after blocking an opponent or as they step forward = very high dmg