FIT4U - Your Fitness, Personalized
Try yoga in VR! In this fitness experience with a twist, we provide you with a digital fitness coach, giving you personalized advice.
This project was developed within the course Semester in Alternate Realities offered by Simon Fraser University in Spring 2019. While originally intended for use in public installations, we have created a standalone version which you can download here.
You can see more about the development process and the public installations in this video (SPOILER ALERT):
Developed by SiAR class of 2019:
Alex Aguilar
Oliver Aung
Leo Danenkov
Ricky Lalli
Jonathan Lee
Nick MacKay
Ana Karen Martinez
Robert Michels
Radu Orlandea
Nicholas Ramsay
Lukas Ritter
Vlad Ryzhov
Ioana Sandor
Amber Shao
Zoë Temple-Sandison
Elene Wanner
Sheri Wong
Qiuli Wu
Thank you to:
Ivan Aguilar
Barb Berry
Andrei Gontcharov
Alex Kitson
Katerina Stepanova
Special Thank you to our Project Mentors:
Patrick Pennefather
Bernhard Riecke
External resources used:
Unity 3D
Oculus Packages
April 5 by Izzard.