Five Nights at SDLG Bonnie 2
Story - The first is about veno foxy who gets AIDS, then he turns to his friend greasy bonnie to help him get a cure, from there they talk to his friend Chica to accompany them, they discover that mr greasy is the only one who has the cure against AIDS, they decide to enter his house.
Good luck in this second improved game.
Gameplay - The gameplay in the game has changed drastically compared to the first one, now there are 5 more animatronics, the details will be improved and the interface will also be improved to make it more comfortable to see and play.
Design - New Cameras, New Mechanics, New Animatronics, hope you enjoy the Game!, We took our time to improve our skills and learn from our first game, to improve every aspect in the Game.
Terpha.22 - 3D Artist - Drawing Maker - Concept Artist
Haxxer - Programmer - Composer - Gameplay Idea Maker
Ec0migs - Cartoon Artist
Special Thanks to all active discord members!
this is a Five Nights at Freddy's Fan-Game, we were based on it to create the Game.