Flatout Drillin'
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Click to shoot. Yep...
My name is Hank, and I've set up a rigorous scientific test to prove what is obvious to all. God's green Earth is flat!
For years, you have been lied to! Deceived by the globalist powers that be. But no more! My trusty drill Mulcha and I will start a journey to hell itself. We'll dig down through the Earth and demonstrate once and for all that the Earth is not some stinkin' ball.
I expect the government will do anything to stop me, but I've been preparing for the apocalypse for years, so I basically have infinite ammo and guns, which is AWESOME!
Gallaleo (Figaro, Magnifico) is and always was a LIAR, guys, don't forget that. Pray for me as I embark on this perilous journey down. Your positive energy will bolster my everlasting resolve, even beyond death!
My name is Hank, and I approve this message!
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August 2019 - Community Jam Entry
Programming, Design, Audio - Mike @ in Principle Inc
Twitter: @inPrincipleInc
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/inPrincipleGames
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mike_inprinciple
Art, Design, Audio - Kyle Rhoads
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm1CK5u8gjIevbI84SwdO2Q