Flavia de Luce

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A murder had happened at Buckshaw. Through the eyes of 11 year old Flavia can
you figure out what happened?

A relaxing murder mystery where you unravel the mysteries of a sudden death.

England, 1950. 

At Buckshaw, crumbling country seat of the de Luce family, very-nearly-eleven-
year-old Flavia finds a dead body in the garden. As police descends on Buckshaw,
Flavia decides to do some investigating of her own.

Who had murdered that poor man and what does it have to do with the dead bird
on the doorstep?

Through the eyes of Flavia, you discover clues, piece together information, see what objects tell you about the people living there and the secrets hidden behind it. The Devil lies in the details, so keep your mind sharp and put your detective hat on.

Can you find answers to what had happened within the four walls of Buckshaw?

Discovery Game based on the novels by Alan Bradley with Illustrations by me.

| Work in Progress:

Author Note:This is the first Game I've ever made, especially in Muse. It was created for my Graduation Show and was a bit rushed at the end. Therefore I plan on adding more content and clues in the future. Perhaps if there are enough people interested in a second part that includes the town Bishop's Lacey I will do that too.

I hope you enjoy it, people who read or haven't read the books alike!

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Not rated

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Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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