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I am new to programming and learning unity on my own. I suck at drawing and 3D modelling so I am making a Text Adventure RPG. I just started learning C# so I have no idea how to do networking and therefore my first game will be single player.

I am 41 years old and grew up during the age of Text RPGs and MUDs. I plan to make a game like those yet incorporate modern day ideas such as procedural generation. I want my game to be a different experience every time a new game is started.

I also want the world to evolve and grow on its own around the player as well as have near infinite progression.

Eventually when it is complete or near complete I will switch it from WEBGL to downloadable so that games can be saved, etc. It is currently only up here as WEBGL to show you  my progress as I go.

Current Features:

I just started this project so currently all you can do is walk around and look at stuff. I spent a lot of time on the procedural generation script and the minimap. Since the world is generated on the fly I needed the minimap to be able to update itself on the fly as well.

So far it generates the Central District of the starting town and places down a Town Hall building in the center of it. The layout should be different every time the game is started.

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Not rated

System requirements for Web

FLDOS screenshot, image №3557927 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Sep 9, 2022

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