Flipside (HomeTeam GameDev)
Developed Jan 5 - Apr 5, 2020
Project lead, main concept, core gameplay, flipspace growth, main level design (incl. hub), minimap, title screen, pixel fonts, additional player animations (EV suit, death, no gun crouch/idle), powerup effects, tiles (dirt), many player sounds, hover tooltips, portrait work, assorted bug fixes, map editor integration, UI design, bullet motion/collision, pooling, achievements, doors, boss concept, flying enemies, flipspace jetpack, parallax, environmental hazards, camera tracking: Ryan Malm
GL renderer and all related fixes/optimizations, level design (Room04, Room06, Room13), flipspace distortion effect, hitbox fixes, health pickups visual, particle system improvements, flip slime, inverted plant tiles, hit flash, flip bird collisions, flip pig integration, flip crawler sprite, game save, level load/unload improvements: H Trayford
Level design (final battle room, mountain bunker, Room10, Room07), robo tank (animation, AI, attack), switch puzzle triggers, tiles (greebles, panels, bolts, lights, tech) text wave effect, audio browser compatibility improvements, warp pads, gamepad support, ladders, glyph tiles, hub signs, additional sound integration, loading progress bar, flip spider, various effects (bolt thrower, landing, muzzle flash, sparks, flamethrower), additional error checking, assorted generated sounds: Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila
Player design improvements, jump/fall animations, air control fix, crouch, additional pause screen details, art and code for aiming up: Marc Silva
Player top collision, gravity fix, rate of fire control, shot reallocation on death: Andrew Mushel
5+ tilesets, song ("Vanishing"), enemy Slime animations, portraits art: Jeff "Axphin" Hanlon
Music in 4 variations ("Layers of Cool Lasers"): Klaim (A. Joël Lamotte)
Audio implementation (advanced; spatialization, ducking, track swapping, and more), volume controls: Michael "Misha" Fewkes
Creepy synthwave track: Stebs
Assorted sound effects (environment, enemy, attacks, interface, pickups, and more), main dialog box functionality: Vaan Hope Khani
RoboDrone logic: Michelly Oliveira
Blue pipes tiles, OS compatibility fix: Gonzalo Delgado
Animations (walk, idle, with and without gun), initial EV suit: Jeremiah Franczyk
Pause menu, blocked movement while crouching: Matthew "McCordinator" McCord
Practice commits: Ian Cherabier, Simon J Hoffiz