Average Playtime: 5 hours

Flix The Flea

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FLIX THE FLEA is the high flying platformer from one-man game studio, Psychotic Psoftware.

Flix is a flea who lives on a Dog, who lives on a space-exploring rocket-ship. While exploring a new planetoid, Flix takes an unfortunate nosedive into a chasm. It's your mission to guide Flix up and out of monster infested caves in the hopes of getting him back to his rocket-ship and the sanctuary of his cozy doggie home.

Highly inspired by the wonderful 8-bit classics, Flix The Flea returns to an almost forgotten sub-genre of cutesome high-jumping platform games. With a host of challenging environments and features, Flix creates just the right balance of fun and frustration for a very entertaining & addictive gaming experience!
Release date
Psychotic Psoftware
Psychotic Psoftware
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows Vista
  • Processor: 2.40GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Standard
  • Storage: 80 MB available space
  • Sound Card: Standard
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Last Modified: Dec 18, 2023

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1 edit
Jumping Fleas by Cheeky Monkey
Mar 3, 2010
Flea Market Review - with Tom Vasel
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Flix The Flea reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Pros:-Trading Maps Cons:-Fun factor = 0-Variety = 0-Subpar Optics-Long Gameplay mechanics (2-Buttons)-Uncreative loop music-No Level system available-Little opponent types-tutorial missing (Opponent or Victim?)-Price/Performance-None Gamepad Support-Permanent Repetitive-Clambled sound design-No full screen mode possible to Conclude: Very boring and loveless Platformer. Some FlashGames offer more Game Content. You can definitely save yourself the Money!
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
-Get free (Failmid)-+ Graphics + Collectible cards-No Full screen mode-Gameplay button ESC joins the Game We are a Flea And need to move up in a Level. This is done by a slightly more used control: Left and Right Arrow Keys, the longer you hold a Button, the further hopping Flix. This Kind of Locomotion is rather annoying and offers no Fun whatsoever. You can still collect Stars in a Level and have one more different Dragons than Enemies, the we are not allowed to touch. Jo and it already is. Initially tasses interesting, but then it becomes boring and frusting
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Microsoft from Deutsch
For me, the Controls are simply the Horror of this Game. You can't walk normally, you can only determine the Jump by Charging. Therefore, with high Jumps, you never know where you end up, because the platforms that may not exist can be seen. Furthermore, I don't understand that I can eat some little Things while larger Critters push me aside. And some then worry that you lose a Life. But which, now cause exactly what, I have understood net. You can't expect much for £3, but still there are better Games for that Price. Even if individual Developers worked here (which I generally appreciate), I advise you not to buy:-) Did the Review help you? Then follow me in my Steam Group, where I write my Reviews as a Curator.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
This Flashgame is very very much ... But let's start with the good Things: No Technical Problems in the small Window that does not allow a Full screen of only 1 Person developed, but this is not always an Excuse for everything Many write, for Children it is suitable: Children also need Motivation , Flow of Play And Fun. Simple Control of the Flea With left and right; Quickly monotonous So somehow came into the positive List already some Negative Points, but this is not surprising. Again, to become clearer: The Game is okay, but does not radiate any Motivation, which probably can create 10 Levels-even if it is of course cool to be a Flea And to be chased by Dragons (Copy or Inspiration of La Pulga?). In The End Effect it is quite boring, the Sound effects annoy after 10 Minutes and you do the whole thing for 2.5 Hours even because of the Collectible cards! Check it out, if less than 50 Cent/is free-otherwise saving the Time for a delicious Beer!
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