FlooderTVC (Videoton) by FeCO

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********************** * FlooderTVC PUR120 * **********************

by FeCO, 2023

Category: PUR-120

Computer: VideoTON TV-Computer (TVC), Basic 1.2

Recommended emulator: WinTVC

My next program for the 2023 BASIC10Liner contest. My final and maybe the finest  Flooder game for this year, this time for VideoTON TV Computer, and PUR-120 category.

Simple Floodit game now different object sizes and more and more and more colors, so 28 different levels.

Use numer keys displays on the right side, and press f when finished the level. You will earn more points when you paint the screen to same color in less keypresses.

The points will show at the end of the game.


1-9 - paint the objects

f - finish the stage - if you failed, the game will restarting.

Program lines: 

 1 - Set graphics mode for title screen, display the title screen, wait for a key, set the colors and the first stage (M - size of the objects), set the graphic mode of the game 

 2 - Clear the screen, then display the number of the stage, built the object as size of M, then clear screen again. 

3 - Display the numbers (the keys) on the right side based on the level (l). if level reached 7 (=  black color) then it transforms to color 11. Resets the keypress-counter (p) 

 4 - Set the keypress counter depends of the stage (f). Prepare the stage (X,Y), set the random color (S) 

 5 - Print the objects, sound 

 6 - Control the keypresses, F - (finish the game), first paint black then goto 8th line. If number keys pressed depends the level, set the color of the paint (K) 

7 - If Level>6 and key '8' pressed (black) then pains color 11, it paints the displayed color and increase P (keypresses) 

8 - Check the objects of the state, is it black painted (v=192) or empty (v=0) if not, you failed, runs the game from the beginning. 

9 - After the check, it reset the colors, add the points 

10 - If you didnt finished the levels (level < 11) increase, else if you didnt finished the game (M=0) then decrease the objects site - as the stage and goto 2. Else you finished the game: COMPLETED! and shows your points.

Have fun!

Release date
BASIC 10Liner
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Feb 24, 2023

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