Flower Defense (Red4Ru)
As a new gardener you should care about the flowers!
1) Walk carefully through the rows of flowers - they are fragile!
WASD to move
2) Dry flowers turning brown and wet turning light blue.
Hover a flower with a coursor to look closely on it: red means dry, blue means wet, green is optimal.
3) It is sunny so you should protect flowers from drying (or turning too wet).
Hold Shift or LMB to hold a bucket;
Hold Space or RMB to pour water from it.
4) To get water into bucket, put it in the spring.
5) Chicken love eating flowers!
Drive chicken away going next to it.
6) When flowers die something bad may happen.
Figure out what effect each sort of flowers gives.
7) Get as many score as you can! Enjoy!