Flowerock DEMO
This is the demo for my upcoming game: Flowerock. Flowerock is a pixel-art 2D platformer with a focus on charm and mystery. This demo is about 4 months worth of development and represents approximately a quarter of the full game. This demo is pretty bare-bones in terms of story content, however, this demo has many updates planned, and the full game will be much more rich in emotion. Flowerock is in active development and is slated for a release in late 2023. This demo will receive updates until the full release. Updates will include bug fixes, QOL features, as well as new gameplay elements including level design additions and user interface reworks. This demo, and the full release of Flowerock, will be free of charge. All assets including music and sprites are my own and if you are willing to rip them from the game, do whatever you want with them. Please don't hesitate to report any issues in the comments.