Flume (Classicwook)
Goal: Save all of the helpless citizens from the burning building while surviving each level yourself.
Movement: WASD
Interaction: Common keyboard controls for game play. Mouse clicking for navigating from title page to game.
Jarod Wylie: https://github.com/JarodYli
David Vanderhaar: https://github.com/david-vanderhaar
Richard Hoagland: https://richardhoag.land/
Title: Game Programming Patterns
Author: Bob Nystrum
URL: https://gameprogrammingpatterns.com
Use(s): inspiration
Title: Konva
URL: https://konvajs.org/
Use(s): rendering
Title: Solarized
Author: Ethan Schooner
URL: https://ethanschoonover.com/solarized/
Use(s): color pallet
Title: Rot.js
Author: Ondrej Zara
Use(s): Inspiration, various pathfinding and fov functions.