Flying with Maths

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Flying with Maths

Using your mathematical knowledge, keep your airplane flying in an enjoyable autogenerated cartoon world with bright and happy music in the background. With four game modes, three types of questions, two number sets, and an extra difficulty layer with two input modes.

Recommended especially for children or kids and for people that just want to make quick small mathematical calculations to improve their mental skills with cheerful music.

Flying with Maths presents to the player simple aritmetic problems: addition, substraction, multiplication and division.

Four game modes

- Keep flying!: The plane is falling and losing power, answer correctly to keep your plane up. If you answer fast enough you can gain altitude. But beware!, If you touch the ground the game ends!

- No worries: In this game mode you can relax, with no worries. No lives, no engine problems, no limits, just answer correctly to fly over new areas.

- Do not fail!: In this game mode you have a 'lives limit'. If you make a mistake you lose a life, but every new level you get a new one.

- Time flies!: Time is running out!, answer correctly and quickly to get more time to keep flying.

Three question modes

- Solution: This is the easy one. You have to find the solution to the question in front of you.

- Operand: One of the operands is missing, use the solution to help you find the correct answer.

- Operator: Add, substract, multiply or divide?, What can it be? Make your pick. 

Other game options

- Integers/Decimals. If you think that the game is too easy for you, I dare you to try playing with decimals instead of integers, 

- 'keypad' special option. To make it even harder you can even select special 'keypad' mode, where in case of selecting between a few options, you have to enter the full solution using a keypad on screen.

- Two game worlds. The game comes with two autogenerated worlds for exploration: Central Europe (well... more or less...) and Winterland (is an easter-egg!, try to find it!). More worlds are planned ;-)

- Language selection. And in the Options screen you can switch the language between English, Spanish, Portuguese, French and German.

Final note

The game works a lot better on the Windows version, so if you really want to enjoy the game I recommend using that one. Unzip and execute, nothing else needed.

Enjoy the game and have a good day!!


Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

System requirements for Web

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Last Modified: Sep 18, 2020

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