FNF: Deep-Sea Date - Roro (test)
Check out the Suvarna test if you haven't yet: https://pg24.itch.io/fnf-suvarna-test
My, my, look what we have here! We've got ourselves a new character test! Mess about with Roro's animations, and uncover a new feature!
ControlsUp, Down, Left, Right and Spacebar = OOOOOO
Future FNF Tests/Content- FNF: Daddy Dearest Test PICO-8 Remake (PROBABLY COMING NEXT!)
- FNF Deep-Sea Date: Anchor (test)
- An FNF modding engine
Original mod by myosotisthyme:
Test by PravdaGamer24 (me) (duh...)
https://gamebanana.com/members/1775538 (my GameBanana)