"This game is torture"
★★★★★ cpiod
foodlab, the ultimate physics-based food photography simulator, has finally come! the best thing that happened to the world since sliced bread! the newest trend in gastrophotography *checks encyclopedia again* food photography!
- play with your food with no regrets! it's all virtual!
- 50 food items and kitchen paraphernalia at your disposal! that's some smart words!
- slow food, fast food, you name it, we have it!
- combine foods together to create totally new ones, like white chocolate, chocolate cookies, or cheese pizza!
- make a sandwich of your dreams!
- build the ultimate pancake tower!
- prepare a delicious looking dish in 5 unique settings!
- are you on a diet? no calories included!*
- chill not-lofi beats! sit back and relax!
- build your own burger! or a chair! or a tree fort!
*clears throat*
foodlab is a project that I've been tirelessly (okay, a bit tired-edly) cooking up for the last month. what started during PROCJAM 2019 as an attempt at an idea that I had for a long time, sucked me in for three more weeks and turned into this lovely little prototype that I present to you today.
the original idea was to make a thing that allows for combining food items to create new ones. as I was making this project I realized that even with pre-made assets, it's a lot more effort than I imagined. also, it's nice to have something more than just the system itself.
so this is a prototype of sorts, to test the water (it's boiling ouch). it's now a physics-based food… simulator. all feedback is welcome. if there's one thing you don't like, or a bug you encounter, let me know in the comments! I'll be more than happy to read what's on your mind. I like reading minds.
and feel welcome to share any photos you take! I can't wait what to see what you all daredevils come up with. if you're doing Twitter, remember to use the hashtag #foodlabthegame — I checked it, it's available, and now it's ours.
#foodlabthegame #foodlabthegame #foodlabthegame
- 3D models by and Kenney
- icons made by Freepik, from
- font Varela Round made by Joe Prince & Avraham Cornfeld
- songs (all licensed under a Creative Commons Atribution Noncommercial (3.0) license):
- Never alone with a glass by maplesnow
- Shell Voices by Martijn de Boer (NiGiD) ft. Javolenus
- Hidden Grooves by J.Lang ft. Stefan Kartenberg & Nickolas Nikolic
- additional textures from CC0Textures and Pexels
- testing by Jordi Ros, knh190, WeirdConstructor, and tizilogic
- Unity Technologies for creating the amazing piece of software that is Unity ♥️
- programming, sounds, etc, etc, all that jazz — me.
warning: may require a high-end compuper. don't know. haven't checked. but I feel like it. be warned.
* playing with foodlab may cause an increase in appetite, body fat percentage and an occasional "awww now I'm hungry" reaction. not supported by research. don't sue me.