Football Evo

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W A S D - Move around

Z X - Zoom in/out

R - Simplified rendering

Buttons in the top for adjusting speed. 

This is a football simulation using neural networks and evolution strategies. It let's a team play against itself to get better.  

The objective is to get interesting results by tweaking the settings.  The settings include:

team (angle, distance, direction) - Whether each player receives the relative angle, distance or direction of a team member.

opp (angle, distance, direction) - Same as above, but for opponent team members.

Nearest  (opp / team) inputs - Receive above information about the (n) nearest (opponent) team members. 

Fixed (opp/ team) inputs - same as above but from (n) fixed players

ball (angle, distance, direction) - Relative angle, distance or direction of the ball.

(own/opp) goal (angle, distance) - Relative angle or distance to the goal of a players own/opponents team.

field edge (angle, distance) - Relative angle or distance to the edge of the field.

cutoff - Maximum distance for which the player receives inputs. If a player/ball/goal/edge is outside of this distance, the input is set to 0.

hidden layers - Number of hidden layers in the neural network. More than 3 rarely works.

layer size - Number of neurons in a hidden layer.

genes per team - Amount of different players. This rarely works as you would like. But is still interesting sometimes.

adaptation - If enabled, the Evolution Strategies algorithm uses an adaptation vector to update parameters. Not really interesting.

adaptation vector - Mutation rate.

rounds - Amount of rounds a team must play to win. So the amount of games in a tournament is 2^rounds.

tournaments - Amount of tournaments per generation.

A good way to train team is by setting the game duration to 5 seconds. Then setting the speed to x1024 and press R. When they can find the ball, increase the game duration. This leads to pretty good results within minutes. 

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

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Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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