Force of Nature (Ludum Dare 45)

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We completely misjudged the amount of time making this game was gonna take. We used an engine we never used before (Phaser 3) and didn’t think out the features at the start. So with only a few hours to go the project looked more like a simulation instead of a game. In the last few hours, we hastily tried to put as many “Gameplay features” into it as possible. So a little sad about the fact that we haven’t had any time to playtest, balance and polish, but still proud of the effort! We present you Force of nature. Time to wipe out humanity, like humanity wiped you out!

  • Use the arrow keys to scroll the viewed area
  • Drag cards onto overgrown tiles to build special plants
  • Click on the loudspeaker to turn of music

You wipe out the humans by overgrowing sector by sector. The more a sector is overgrown the fewer humans it can support. To help you do this you have three plants that cost different amounts of “Growth Power”, displayed top left, that you earn by taking over tiles.

  • Cross Block Plant (free): Allows plant growth to spread to neighbouring sectors
  • Slowdown Plant (1O GP): Slows down the movement of all humans in this sector. This effect stacks.
  • Nature Fort (20 GP): A very sturdy tree that’s not easily felled. Ideal to keep humans busy or protect your Slowdown’s.

Once your spread reaches the threshold in the panic bar on the right the remaining humans will panic and start crossing sector boundaries. There are multiple ways to deal with this wave, either build large defences, or try to quickly expand in the now quieter territories to starve the humans.

Release date
RedZ Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

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Last Modified: Oct 11, 2019

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