Forest Life Tech Demo
You need to download both .exe and .pck .
While playing, walk up to any of the three shapes and press Circle on your PS4 controller to pick up the shape. Then press square to place it anywhere.
This is a basic block-building prototype that I came up with. It still has some bugs, but it shouldn't crash. You can place three different shapes in different sizes, heights, and colors.
This is mainly meant for using a controller. Keyboard controls work but are unreliable. I will update later. Only tested with a PS4 controller.
PS4 controller controls:
X - Jump/Select on Pause Menu
Circle - Pick U White Item
Square - Place object
Triangle - Delete block (character has to be touching desired block)
L1 - Change color of object you are currently holding
R1 - Change color of block you are currently holding
L3 - Escape joystick controls to enable mouse
Left Analog Stick - Move Character
Start Button - Pause Menu
D-pad left: Scale object down (that you are currently holding)
D-pad right: Scale object up (that you are currently holding)
D-pad up: Raise object height (that you are currently holding)
D-pad down: Lower object height (that you are currently holding)