FPS Game (ztau)

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Initial release! More of a demo at the moment as there was a lot I didn't get to before the end of the jam. Made in the 2 weeks during. 

2 levels, each their own little worlds to explore. Level 2 is a lot bigger than the first, with no actual win states at the moment. Level 2 has a lot of vertical platforming fun if you can find your way up! Hint: Jump Upgrades help. Remember to multi-jump and hover (hold space).

Just started learning to program and develop games, so this is my first shot. Made in godot, mostly from scratch using blender, photoshop, and despration.

Everything was modelled/animated/coded/made by me, excpet for some stock sound effects and the fonts and some shaders . 

I tried to make it my dream Quake/Doom mashup, with a dose of craziness. Will definitely be updating this in future, and is a lot of fun as it is currently.

Some tips:
-Try to use open space to your advantage. You can also alert small groups of enemies to make encounters easier.
-Every weapon is useful! Even the melee one. 
-Experiment with weapons, shields and moving in and out of enemy fire. 
-There's also some hidden areas here and there, mainly in the second level. Try upgrading your jump and glide and going up!
-You can also use E to instantly kill an enemy, or G to enable god mode to have a more chill experience. Shields will still bounce back projectiles while God Mode is on :D

Fun facts:
-Shields will block damage while active. They also deflect projectiles.
-So do sword swings. 
-Oh, and enemies hate eachother as much as they hate you. See if you can get em to kill eachother.
-Each jump resets your glide time left.
-Oh! Push E to open doors.

Good luck!

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FPS Game (ztau) screenshot, image №3045626 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Oct 1, 2021

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