Frantic Lab Tech
It's a hard life as a lab tech. The scientists are always demanding you mix up ingredients for them in different proportions.
Their patience is odd and variable, once you've mixed up the minimum weight requirement, they wont wait long to snatch the fix you've made.
Be cautious, they'll score you based on how well you've hit the target mix, and annual review season is just round the corner ...
Gameplaymolecules of ingredient will be dropped in periodically. Control the dispensers (see below) to add them to the mix in the balance below.
Once the minimum weight, shown on the balance, is hit the countdown will start.
When the countdown hits zero, your mix will be evaluated!
Scores are awarded proportional to how close you hit the target mix, and are cummulative.
Press "Reset" to clear the board and do another mix.
Controls? - Toggle contextual controls
A/D to rotate left cup
H/K to rotate right cup
W/S to raise/lower the jar hatch.
Known IssuesThe detection of "weight" and which balls are in the balance is imperfect and just uses one sensor collider region. Its height is capped so as not to count balls that arent actually held, but it's possible the pile them higher than the region. Some smarter system inspecting the collided entities would be worth adding.
- Variable ball size and weight
- Different Cups and variants of holding/directing balls
- Better (or, any) control over ball spawning