Free-Will Fighters
Currently in Rough Draft!
Use left and right buttons to move, press z to attack, and c to jump.
This game also has controller support
Free-Will Fighters is a fighting game with the capabilities of an AI. The human player can combat against an A.I., or they can watch 2 A.I combat each other. I have always enjoyed battling against the CPU in fighting games, and I made it my mission to recreate the A.I. All assets were drawn from scratch.
Type of Environment in a Fighting Game:
- Multi-Agent
- Deterministic
- Sequential
- Dynamic
- Continuous
- known (if both play the same character)
What is included so far:
- 1 player and 1 cpu
- An A.I. with the capability to perform most move sets
- The A.I. can input combos
What still needs to be done:
- Allow A.I to recognize more combos
- Input better method of the A.I. to read the distance of its opponents
- Include second character
- Player vs Player mode
- Better Visuals and effects
- music
This game was made as a Project for my Artificial Intelligence class
System requirements for Web
System requirements for PC
Last Modified: Nov 21, 2022
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