Frozen Fury (Final Release)
The main objective in Frozen Fury is to defend the main character's ice cream van from hordes of enemies!
You'll be able to move freely around the map and place some structures around it that will help to defeat every single monster in the game.
Shooting is automatic! You won't need to worry about it.
It is an endless game! But if you reach round 8, it will be considered as a victory even if you fall!
- Gamepad -> Movement
- Dropdown left arrow icon -> Construction mode
- Press structure icon -> Select structure
- Press on grid cell-> Place structure
- Keep placed structure pressed -> Structure upgrade mode
- Move player to van -> Player upgrade mode
- Start round button -> New round will begin
- WASD -> Movement
- Click on dropdown left arrow icon -> Construction mode
- Click structure icon -> Select structure
- Key "1" -> Select ice cream cannon structure
- Key "2" -> Select cherry catapult structure
- Key "3" -> Select ice cream wall structure
- Key "4" -> Select cone trap structure
- "R" or "Right Click" (when selected structure) -> Rotate structure
- "Enter" -> Confirm structure
- Left Click on grid -> Place structure
- Keep left click pressed on placed structure -> Structure upgrade mode
- Move player to van -> Player upgrade mode
- Start round button -> New round will begin