Fruit Economy - 7DRL 2022
This page is for my 7drl 2022 submission.
It's based on my game Fruit Economy, which ironically is probably a much less complete game than this one will end up being, as it is presently more a simulation than a game.
I decided to build this to try out some gameplay ideas without polluting the simulation.
Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4 (Working on Windows):
Day 5:
Day 6 (We stopped here):
NOTE: There were some issues with the original windows builds, so I swapped to using the installers (Fruit Economy - 7drl 2022 Installer), however the latest windows build just uses the installer instead. So prefer downloading "" =)...
NOTE: If the screen goes red, it's not crashed, there's an issue with overlapping elements which I've not managed to fix, let me know where it happens, but one easy thing you can do is full screen the game.