Fusion Blocks

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This game was created for Brackeys Game Jam 2020.1

The theme: "Holes"


Missiles rain down from the sky! 

you can take control of any brain block on the board. 

destroy bright red blocks for new blocks to appear on the board!

connect blocks to earn additional moves and missiles you can use each turn!

create a bigger shape so you won't fall down the holes!


My idea was to create a board game-esque game where you are pitted against an AI and attempt to destroy each other while destroying the game board in the process. Unfortunately, Ii didn't have nearly enough time to create a working and skilled AI.

This game turned into a survival board game where each turn a number of missiles rain down on the board. You try to connect blocks together to help you survive as more and more of the board is destroyed.

I was unable to include any sound design for the game jam but I will definitely add some after rating is over and I will try to improve  other aspects of the game such as a way to end games and restart which I'm aware isn't possible for the current build. There are also a few bugs I've noticed I need to work out.

That being said I'm still happy I participated in the jam although it isn't exactly how I wanted it to turn out.

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Not rated

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Last Modified: Feb 24, 2020

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