G9:League of Aces
Story Background
In the futuristic sci-fi era, humanity experienced unprecedented cataclysms due to unknown radiation. Mutated beings, known as Variants, emerged as a result of this radiation, possessing distinct appearances and special abilities. Initially, this led to conflicts and chaos worldwide as people struggled to understand and deal with these newly emerged powers.To address this situation, a new international special police force was established under the coordination of the United Nations. Equipped with advanced technology and artificial intelligence capable of countering the mutant forces, this organization worked to restore order and establish peace.
As conflicts and chaos subsided, people began to embrace the powers that came with biological mutation, establishing new standards vastly different from those of the past. In this environment, a new form of competition called "G9" emerged, featuring a diverse range of participants showcasing their unique abilities on the arena.
Game Features
Three Major Themed ArenasThe Aces Arena (5 vs. 5)
Classic 5vs5 battles on three lanes, testing teamwork and tactical planning.
Mystic Island (A.R.A.M.)
Random champions, single lane, no place to hide; tests champion familiarity and reflexes.
Crazy Carnival (25 vs. 25)
Capture points, earn points; victory is not just about breaking the enemy's towers, trample opponents with a massive army of minions.
Champion Personalized Skill System
Same champion, different skill combinations, will determine the champion's performance and role in each battle, offering different gameplay and strategies! Find the right skill configuration and surprise your opponents.
System requirements for PC
- OS *: Windows® 7 64-bit/ Windows® 8 64-bit/ Windows® 10 64-bit
- Processor: Dual Core 2.0GHz
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia GTX 760/AMD Radeon™ R9 280X or Higher
- Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 4 GB available space
- OS: Windows® 10 64-bit
- Processor: Quad Core 3.0GHz or Higher
- Memory: 16 GB RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia GTX 1060/AMD Radeon™ RX 550 or Higher
- Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 6 GB available space
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