Galactic Junk League reviews

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Early Access Review First I want to go into the other Comments a little bit: I don't know why they upset so many about the Game and the Balance?! For the most part, the Matches are balanced. It is Clear that when Friends of different Strengths come together and you play at Times to which not many Players are online, then it can be that the Balance is fluctuating greatly. But otherwise it actually works quite well. I understand that you get excited about such Situations, but right after a few Matches to say the Game is the biggest Rotz is then Ignorant. With most Comments with this Content, I noticed that the Players really only got lvl 3 or so, and you get real after 3-5 Games. And who Gets to hell, please say the Idea that P2W o0?! Sure, you can buy Boosts that give you a Bonus on The run AND Junk (Inga Currency), which is meant to get to The Top faster (for the impatient). This means that you are no longer mixed with the Initial Ones at the same time (usually). Apart from that, you can buy ready-made Blueprints for Ships, which in any case have no Combative Impact on the game (just because of the Optics). Sun... But now to the actual:D Content: You first get a School Ship with which you want to learn the Basics of this Game. However, You play against other Players from the very beginning (usually they are at the same Level) and can unlock new Features by leveling the Ship class (some of which depend on the Ship type) that you can explore. Once you have researched them, you can integrate them into your Ship (if desired; later it will also be relevant for some Components whether you want to play a Battleship or a Frigate, for example). After each Match, you levelt the Ship type played and get more Space per Level for more Components. By the way, a Match lasts only a few Minutes. The Victory Condition is to earn the higher Score than the opponent's in a limited Time with your Team. Matchmaking: Normally, teams are put together equally. Here, the Level of your Ship class Seems to depend on the Team composition. If you have a Class at Level 10 and completely do without Armor in order to be able to deal the greatest Possible damage, it may be that the other Which Class-specific Abilities and armor Have attached can still defeat you. After all, the ship has no Defense at all and would look old against a Level 5. That being said, an ever greater Tolerance is given for stronger Level Differences the Longer you have to wait. If too few Players want to get into a Match, then the Match may not be quite balanced from a level. Private Teams, where Friends of different Levels have teamed up, can also have a big Impact on it. In order to avoid such too strong differences and Waiting Times, smaller Teams are occasionally let loose into a Match. Nevertheless, in some Cases, rounds can occur that simply frustrate, whether through better assembled ships of opponents, better Team play of Opponents, or simply unbalanced Team Combinations (which, as I said, are not the Rule). Conclusion: A Game that is occasionally unbalanced due to unfortunate circumstances (my God, it is still in the early access .. howls quietly and just comes back in 2 Months:P and tests it again) can nevertheless make up for this Deficit with many other Points. 1. The Ships you build and the ones you can observe in the other Players usually make for a Laugh 2 by the Sight alone. No Matter how you play, whether strategic or rather than wandering mentally disturbed in the enemy Ranks, you will have your Fun 3. A Community that is looking for its equal! Sure, some things you just gamble about and don't write with the others for the few Minutes of Play, but if you do, you can laugh heartily with them, because no one (at least not during my Playing Time) took the Game too seriously or found it annoying we Nn others gave a Mucks of themselves. 4. Whether alone with random Players or whether you play With the Chaos you scold friends, you don't get bored so quickly and in most Cases you also have a lot of fun with Game 5. Since it is only short Rounds you play, you have a perfect Game for the Course Branches and you can also unpack it in between