Galaxy Hero (alvarosilva)
- Main menu updated to match game name
- added background image
- hide Select Level button
- replace Instructions button with Lore button to provide context
- button color and its text color has also been updated
- Updated existing levels and created a level 3
- Every level has at least 1 Boss
- Every level is now making use of EnemySpawner
- Added Objective list text to UI - updated code to track which enemy is a boss via Boolean
- "Must kill X enemies"
- "Must kill X Boss"
- Added destructible asteroid debris and wall
- Player Updates
- Reduced projectile life (distance) to 0.25 to enforce close combat and avoid spamming from long distances
- After killing a Boss, power up and grow bigger
- Enemy Updates
- Updated Enemy script to enable the creation of Bosses by the use of a Boolean value
- Created function inside Enemy script, once a boss dies, its fire rate and projective spread will become the Player's and also, for a more visual impact of a change happening, the player will also grow slightly bigger
Created by Alvaro Silva