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Please don't play this game, it's awful.

(Okay, so I'm kidding... sorta)

Now if you still insist on playing, I highly recommend you play it on mobile, if you have an Android device.

If you can't play on mobile, then while you can play using a keypad or other number keys, I recommend using this layout:

123Q (4)W (5)E (6)A (7)S (8)D (9)Z (*)X (0)C (#)

If that makes any sense at all.

Making Of:

The inspiration for this game came from the thought that most games you would play on a keyboard would not be comfortable on an old Nokia phone. So, I thought about what kind of game you could play on a keypad, and the idea came:

A game where you enter codes to perform different actions.

For me, this naturally led to a sort of Metroidvania/TLOZ style where you unlock abilities to progress further in the game.

I'm... not expecting this game to win, or even get close. But that's not what this is about, for me.

I stand by the concept, but just wasn't able to really test it or refine it within the week I had to make it. So, I'm not very pleased with my work this time around, but here it is. Maybe I'll revisit the idea someday.

Before you say... "It'd be nice if you could keep track of codes."

I originally intended on having a pause menu where you cold review documents/hints you'd found, but I didn't have time to implement it. If I update the game in the future I'll be sure to add that in first.

"There's no audio, you could've at least done something basic."

I'm perfectly aware. However, I really didn't have much time for it, and I believe that having a silent game is better than having a game with audio that doesn't fit the mood or is grating/annoying.

Release date
Detective Software Devs
Age rating
Not rated

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Edit the game info
Last Modified: Feb 12, 2021

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