Game Gen - Tank!
Player 1 (Black)-
W and S move forward and back, A and D turn left and right
F shoots a normal bullet, E places a mine.
Player 2 (White)-
I and K move forward and back, J and L turn left and right, or the arrow keys
H shoots a normal bullet, U places a mine.
Based on the classic game of Tank! mixed with the place-able mines of Wii Tanks. You get 90 seconds to get the most amount of hits on the other player, be it your shots, mines, or the mines in the center.
The mines you place can be shot at to explode, or do so automatically after a few seconds, and it's blast can hurt either player, making players need to plan carefully how they place them.
You can also blow away the gray walls with your mines, opening a bit more of the map, for you and the other player also.