Game of Bits
Game of Bits is mainly a simulation / game based on John Horton Conway's Game of Life (also known as Conway's Game of Life). There are two basic rules for the bits you place on the board:
- An empty space becomes a bit when it has exactly three neighbours.
- A bit with less then two or more than three neighbours gets deleted.
Feel free to experiment and a build a successful bit society :D
Controls# : only available in pause mode
* : only available in play mode
KeybindingAction# LMBplace / draw new bits# RMBdelete / erase existing bitsMMBmove the camera aroundScrollwheelzoom in and outSpacetoggle between play / pause mode* Entertoggle perspective / ortographic modeLeft / right arrowcycle colour themesIinvert current colour themeGtoggle grid off / onQtoggle stats (T: total, A: active, D: deleted) on / offFtoggle FPS counter on / off* A / Dorbit camera* W / Srotate camera up / down# Rreset board to "pre-play" state# Left / Right Ctrl + Rcompletely reset board and cameraEscape (Standalone) / Tab (WebGL)show / hide menu Credits Software used- Game engine: Unity
- Graphics: Inkscape
- Colour complementers: Adobe Color
- Colour picker: Microsoft PowerToys
- Roboto from Google Fonts
- Forum post about WebGL resolution