Game of the Generals
This is just a small implementation of the Filipino board game Game of the Generals. It is a game where two players each control an army that consists of different ranks, but the opposing players don't know what rank each piece is. When two pieces meet on the same space, the piece with the higher rank captures the other piece (with a few exceptions). The game ends when either a flag gets captured or a flag makes it to the end of the opposing side. The specifics of the game rules can be found here:
This game was used to experiment with AI. Although most games with AI mostly have a good amount of information to work with, Game of the Generals is a game where none of the players know anything about the other opponent in the beginning. This implementation of the game was an attempt to see what assumptions and algorithms can be utilized to create an AI that can compete against standard strategies of the game.
MUSIC: Laid Back LOOP from the Ultimate Game Music Collection by John Leonard French