In a distant and fantastic world the age of heroes has long ended. A disastrous day known as the cataclysm reopened wounds of past wars, punished the innocent and dimmed the world's light. Years have passed and now a vengeful zealot has emerged set on destroying the empire that betrayed him.
What caused the cataclysm?
Is the empire worth saving?
Are you the hero who will save this world?
Navigate tunnels and caves learning the history and truths of this world
Explore open fields, scorching deserts, lush forests, steep mountains and forgotten cities
Challenge bosses, form alliances and gather resources
Find items then combine them in new ways to conquer obstacles and enemies
* View a world from different perspectives; Side-scrolling/Top-down adventure
* Strike, block, dodge and shoot your way through enemies and creatures
* Items can be used to set traps and obstacles to provide a combat advantage or make an escape
* Slay a Hydra
* Quickly combine items for changing approach to situations
* Collect equipment and gain abilities
* Walk a blind man across the road
* Complete the story in a day or explore secrets for many
What caused the cataclysm?
Is the empire worth saving?
Are you the hero who will save this world?
Navigate tunnels and caves learning the history and truths of this world
Explore open fields, scorching deserts, lush forests, steep mountains and forgotten cities
Challenge bosses, form alliances and gather resources
Find items then combine them in new ways to conquer obstacles and enemies
* View a world from different perspectives; Side-scrolling/Top-down adventure
* Strike, block, dodge and shoot your way through enemies and creatures
* Items can be used to set traps and obstacles to provide a combat advantage or make an escape
* Slay a Hydra
* Quickly combine items for changing approach to situations
* Collect equipment and gain abilities
* Walk a blind man across the road
* Complete the story in a day or explore secrets for many
System requirements for Linux
- OS: Ubuntu 14+
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
System requirements for macOS
- OS: Mac OS X
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Storage: 200 MB available space
System requirements for PC
- OS: Windows 7 and above
- Processor: 2GHz+
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: 512MB
- Storage: 200 MB available space