Gb us
A fan made gameboy among us map by a guy who was really bored and wanted to make something that has to do with Gameboys and among us!
Walk around and talk to npc's and yeah (never said it was good) for now!.
Ways to play:
You can play this game with any Game boy emulator I used bgb here's a link.
I do plan on attempting to add tasks and maybe even multiplayer if I figure it out (this is the first time I really used Gb studio so I'm still working things out!)but for now I'll try to clean up some of art (this is also the first I used aesprite)every now and then.Also don't expect frequent updates since I kinda got burned out by this. But still expect updates in the next couple of months(Also I'm one person).
Fixed up some of the cremate 's by moving them places so that it won't be glitched.
Made with Gb studio and Aesprite
Original among us by Innersloth
Thanks to my sister for looking at the progress I did!
And thanks to you if you downloaded this!