Genetic Algorithms for navigation
Genetic Algorithms applied on a Unity3D project to create autonomous agents which navigate a virtual environment.
Each individual contain the following genes:
-A Vector3 which determines the direction of movement of the individual. X and Z values go from -1f to 1f using Random.Range(). Y value is always 0. -A movement speed which determines how fast the individual will move in a certain direction. Goes from 0f to 2f. -A movement time which determines how long will the individual will move in a certain direction. Goes from 0.5f to 3f.
The algorithm evaluate the performance of individuals navigating their environment using the following fitness method:
Fitness=1-(d/D)+((speed)/ 200)+((Time) / 300)
In which: -D = The distance between the origin point and the destination point. -d = The distance between the individual's last position and the destination point. -speed = The average of all the individual's movement's speed. -Time = The average of all the individual's movement's time.
You can download the file to try it out or download the package from my github.