Ghost Town Clubhouse
10-minute horror/comedy low-poly first-person adventure game
This game has disturbing themes and unrealistic stylized violence.
This is a cancelled 2017 project based on games by Allen Trivette.
I recommend watching the video before playing.
Deep Than The Night, Part 2 - Live 23 Mar 1981, Les Rallizes Dénudés
Aogeba Tōtoshi from Tampopo, Kunihiko Murai
Requiem: Dies Irae, Giuseppe Verdi
Stripper song written for Ghost Town Clubhouse, Sam Mortimer
Down Into the Bonehoard from Thief: The Dark Project, Eric Brosius
Market song written for Ghost Town Clubhouse, Tim Mortimer
Training menu song from Wii Sports, Kazumi Totaka
How'm I Gonna Make You Love Me?, The J. Arthur Keenes Band