Girl's Lovecast - 2021.05 Demo
This is a submission for AGDG Demo Day 38.
Girl's Lovecast is an action-adventure RPG about Magical Girls, currently being developed for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
If you played the demo that I released in October, this build differs in the following ways:
- Bullets are now magnetically attracted to enemies that are within a very small range (helps with hitting smaller enemies)
- Health now recharges outside of battle.
- Completing sidequests now debuffs the bosses more than they did previously.
- Various systems upgrades to ensure compatibility with newer content that is still under development.
- Various asset and dialogue changes; bug fixes.
Game, art, assets, and music by me.
"You Can Count On Me" written by me, with a guitar performance by Hugh Harsher.
Special thanks to MajorMilk for creating the cover art.