Globe Cannon
Arrow Keys - Aim.
Spacebar - Fire gigantic cannon. Hold for auto-fire.
Z - Fire/deploy enormous blue horizontal bombs.
X - Fire/deploy humongous green vertical bombs.
Trigger massive bombs in flight to deploy enormous protective shield. Double-tapping 'X' or 'Y' detonates the colossal shield close to Earth.
Esc. - Pause menu.
Globe Cannon is a retro-inspired, endless shooter with THE BIGGEST GUN IN VIDEO GAME HISTORY.
It's a button-mashing, all-out free-for-all with the fate of humanity in the balance. A hectic, keyboard smashing fight to the death. A controller bludgeoning, anxiety inspiring, "wtf, why am I sweating?" rumble on a planetary scale.
Don't think you're ready for it? I get it.
Because to play this game means taking responsibility for a gun so big that it hangs off the planet like a friggin car antenna. I mean, look at that thing! It's a total beast. A 500 mile long cannon? Jeezy Pete's. It's ENORMOUS!
But why, though? What could make a planet of rational people build such a thing? Why would you possibly need such a gargantuan mechanism of destruction?
I'll tell you why.
That's right, alien scum. With their fighter jets and their bombers. Brightly colored and 2D (the worst kind). It makes me sick just thinking of it. Literally sick to my stomach. Like... Like I need something. Something to take care of this alien problem. Like I need...
Do yourself a favor. Play this game. Just scroll back up and play it.
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