Gnack - GaCha 2019
This is the game we made for the Ubisoft Game Challenge 2019 !
We made it with Unity for Switch Device for two players where you have to eat your opponent, then you switch roles. :)
We got second place out of ten teams of fourteen members. The theme was "Matriochka" and we decided to abstract the subject using the "boxing" axis. We got the 5 following modifiers/constraints :
- The game must feature one core system with physics components.
- The game cannot use a linear progression structure in its level design.
- The game must be compatible for all colorblind players.
- The entire game must not have text of any kind (including main menu & credits).
- The game must use an accelerometer as input.
I was Game Designer on this project, in charge of balancing, managing and communication.
One of our developers is actually working on a controller version. It does not fit the constraint but not everyone has a switch, right ?
Roland De Tomasi - Graphist (
Luke Devillard - Graphist
Nicolas Zelvelder - Graphist (
Fabien Salvalaggio - Graphist (
Ludovic Bonnet - Graphist
Augustin Courcoux - Sound Designer (
Léa Guerin - Game Designer
Ludovic Lucenet - Game Designer (
Jeremy Ossola - Game Designer (
Elias Bennour - Developer (
Grégoire Calonne - Developer
Romain Delbecq - Developer
Alexandre Magisson - Developer
Pierre Bailly - Developer (